Newsletter 22 October

Dear Golfers,

Autumn is in full swing and we have a few updates and announcements we’d like to share with you. Whether you’re enjoying playing our course, looking to improve your game with our fitting sessions or just want to know what’s going on at the club: we’ve got something for everyone in this newsletter.



Course conditions

Our team has been working hard this week to better prepare the course for wet weather. The greens have been aerated, sanded and overseeded, the fairways and paths have been deeply aerated, and no less than 80 tonnes of volcanic sand have been applied to improve rainwater drainage.

This week, cordons will be installed on the course to indicate the paths you need to take. All this has been done to ensure that we can continue to enjoy a playable pitch even in winter. Please respect these walking directions.

The mowing height of the greens will be adjusted to 6 mm, and the fairways will also be raised slightly. All this is being done to avoid overloading the grass and to allow the seeds applied to grow well.



The Academy

As the season draws to a close, it’s already time to start thinking about next season. What are your aspirations and goals? Do you want to maintain your level, or do you still want to progress? The winter season is the ideal time to work on your goals! Thanks to our teachers and your commitment, it’s possible to achieve your goals. The golf school offers a range of formulas, from individual to group lessons.

The I Love Golf Club programme has been a great success with beginners and advanced players alike. More and more people are discovering the advantages of this formula. For a relatively low price, you can take part in 10 or 11 group lessons a week. The lessons are given by all the academy’s teachers. Learning with other players of an equivalent level has the advantage of being not only instructive but also convivial. You can find all the information about this formula on the website: I LOVE GOLF CLUB



PING Demo Day – 26 October

It’s the last one of the year, so don’t miss out!
On Saturday 26 October, we’re holding PING Demo Day, and this is your chance to take your clubs and your game to the next level.
Europe’s two best demonstrators will be on hand from 10am to 5pm to give you the perfect analysis on clubs that will improve your game.

What’s in store for you?
Putting, wedging and long game analysis.
Exclusive presentation of the new PING collection, with very attractive conditions.
Register quickly at the ProShop, as places are limited!



Repair damage on the course !

Repairing pitch marks: Use a pitch lifter to repair marks on the greens immediately. This prevents permanent damage and keeps the greens in good condition. If you’re playing with other players, ask each other if you have your lifter in your pocket. If you see a player ‘forgetting’ to repair his pitchmark, remind him and, if you see an unrepaired pitchmark, do so. In this way, we can work together to improve the condition of the greens.

Repair divots: Put divots back in place and press down on them with your foot to speed up grass regeneration. This applies not only to the course, but also to practice areas.

Respect the rules: Pay attention to temporary rules, such as avoiding certain wet areas, especially after rainy days.

By working together, we can keep our course in the best possible condition!

Thank you for your commitment!






We look forward to sharing a wonderful winter season with you, full of fun and opportunities to improve your game.
If you have any questions or would like more information on any of the topics in this newsletter, please don’t hesitate to contact us at or drop by the club.

See you soon on the course!
The Brussels Drohme Golf Club team




Merci pour votre engagement !

Nous avons hâte de partager avec vous une magnifique saison hivernale, pleine de plaisir et d’opportunités pour améliorer votre jeu.
Si vous avez des questions ou souhaitez plus d’informations sur l’un des sujets de cette newsletter, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter à ou à passer au club.


À très bientôt sur le parcours !
L’équipe du Brussels Drohme Golf Club